A popular trope in Art Education is producing a Master Copy - which is the process of reproducing a work of art that was made by Masters. The idea is to replicate techniques and processes to produce a work of art that resembles the original. I am interested in the connection between globalization and the production of counterfeit products. Counterfeit products are replicas of sometimes expensive goods which are mass produced at a lower price and quality for consumers around the world.
Proxy cards are fake hand-made playing cards which serve as a surrogate for the real thing, and sometimes replacing the real thing. With the popularity of trading card games around the world - the trading cards themselves have become extremely valuable. Trading cards are commonly printed in editions - and they are distributed in Booster Packs which is a sealed package of collectible cards which are added to a player's collection. There is an element of scarcity involved through a system of rare cards.
Rare Cards are distinguished by their holographic foil design.
I am inspired by the hand-crafted elements of creating trading cards that emulate a smooth surface with vibrant colors. Layers of laminate on top of highly pigmented sheets of paper. There is a granular process that is called upon when producing a playing card that must be considered: The process of adhesion, the angle at which the corners are cut, the weight, tone and gloss of a paper are examples of physical elements. There is also finite measurement principals that are employed when designing the cards on the computer for the purpose of printing. Acetate is layered over vinyl and glued to card stock to add weight and durability. I am inspired by the finite use of material to recreate something similar to a professional production line. The reproduction if made well, may be enough to fool collectors. This creates a dialog between the worth of an object and the skill of the creator.
Yu-Gi-Oh! is one of my main subjects. I am inspired by the archetypes that the 'Duel Monsters' represent. There is a sense of power through the submission and defeat of the opposing player - and the illustrations are less playful. I choose to depict American and Japanese card illustrations because they are different and sometimes altered for each global market. The cards come in different varieties and the rules of the game require you to sacrifice monsters to summon stronger ones. The game engages in the transmutation of an archetype to represent power.
The story of Yu-Gi-Oh! is based on a boy (Yugi) who when in battle, calls upon a magic relic that transforms him into his inner self (Yami-Yugi). His inner self plays Shadow Games against opponents - in many cases these shadow games are fatal for the player that loses. It's unclear if he is using his power for the greater good of society or if he is just advancing his own goals. Yugi's relic is a pyramid symbol that is represented in different ways around the world - for different reasons. Pyramids are thought to hold special powers - as Yugi transforms himself, he crosses a threshold into a special world in which he is tested but seldom fails.
This narrative is similar to Ash - the main hero archetype from Pokemon. Pokemon represents a story of a boy who begins a path to become the best through the capture and use of fantasy creatures. These creatures in the Pokemon television program and the card game go through a process of evolution. I believe that many of the Pokemon represent sexual archetypes through shapeshifting and natural elements. Pokemon are represented as a hybrid between humanized animals and sentient begins. I symbolize this as the trade of animals have always been an allegory for exchange of culture and meaning. Pokemon are a representation of the relationship between humanity and nature. I mention similar to the depiction of animals in the Lascaux Cave.
Proxy Cards - Proxy is an interesting term that is coined for the process of creating and replicating trading cards. One of the greatest forms of globalization is warfare. It has fallen out of favor for major powers to engage in open combat - but there is a prevalence of Proxy Warfare that plagues our political system and can be seen in almost all grains of society. The cards represent a level of scarcity, power,
I am inspired by the design and illustrations depicted on the cards. I chose to produce the cards that represent archetypes found in the storytelling of their respective anime series. I am drawn to Anime and motifs because I have been watching since I was a child. As a child I would spend months in El Salvador. I found it interesting that some of the only cartoons that are aired in El Salvador are Anime. I perceive and represent an Anime-style as a greater symbol of globalization, and cultures sharing and trading narratives. The Archetypes found within storytelling are a cross cultural and serve to enlighten or entertain any audience.